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GoDaddy, a Connectech recommended hosting provider, has one of the best administration control panels, and they provide excellent 24x7 support.BackBlaze
BackBlaze offers unlimited backup for a low monthly fee and can also back up attached hard drives. They provide very fast upload.CrashPlan
CrashPlan is a cloud backup solution that gives users the option of also storing their files on a local connected hard drive. CrashPlan can also back up external hard helps our clients maximize their computer and software investments with thousands of online video-based tutorials. New tutorials are constantly added.Sell Your Mac
Sell Your Mac makes it very simple and straightforward to sell your old Mac, iPhone, iPad or other Apple product. Get a bid from their site today.All you need to remember is your 1Password while this program puts complex strong passwords for all your needs. Read this post for more info. Or click here to purchase for Macs. Or go to the Agilebits web site to learn more.